Thursday, September 2, 2010

hope in waiting

I've been reading Pamela Mahoney Tsigdino's book "Silent Sorority" over the last month or so. To be honest, i can't put it down, and it scares me that my relatability to her story will become more and more true in the future. She writes about coming to terms with Infertility and her process of figuring out who she was and what she would do with her life if not being a "mom".

I'm still in the hopeful "two week wait" stage, and yet maybe trying to prepare myself at some
level for whatever happens after the two weeks are over. Simultaneously, I've gotten addicted to a new TLC reality show "Quints by Surprise". So, there you go.

My heart starts telling my head to think on more truth-filled ideas, even as I'm so tempted in all sorts of directions to "get through" these next... 11 days. What does God say about "waiting"? He knew I'd go through these times. What is this all for? Again, so thankful for the scripture memorization I did in my younger years. "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...", "Be still and know that I am God", "Wait upon the Lord" (over and over in the Psalms, it seems), "Those who hope in Him will not be disappointed." And while my Biblical hermeneutics are far from brushed up right now... I remind myself that God's ways are not our ways, and while we have asked specifically for the things our hearts desire, we also know that he has a plan more long-term and perfect than our own ideas. humbling.

Still. praying for miraculous life to be growing inside me right now.

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