Thursday, June 30, 2011

apples of gold

nine years ago, i lived in Kansas for a year working as a resident director (aka "dorm mom") for an all women's athletic dorm at Sterling College. truth be told, i was less than a year older than a bunch of the girls living there that year. the dorm housed freshment through seniors. a diverse bunch of young women. my role, beyond keeping some order and advising the resident assistants, was to connect with, encourage, and develop educational and social experiences to challenge and nurture these women. it was quite a year. i certainly was challenged.

one of the outlets that year that i sought out was an intergenerational group of women who could encourage, challenge, and nurture ME.  there was this book we started reading together called "apples of gold", based on the verse from Proverbs 25:11:  "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver." the book encouraged intergenerational mentoring for women; listening to each others' stories, learning from each other, engaging in each others' lives, friendship centered around the love of God.

i think i tend to gravitate to women with more experience and wisdom... i am encouraged and perhaps feel some sort of safety hearing words and advice from someone who has long walked the steps i find myself walking. and i am so grateful when someone takes the time to share those "apples of gold". 

there are a few special women in my acquaintance that have taken that role. i probably don't benefit from their company as much as they are willing, but i don't count it a coincidence that our paths have crossed.

as promised, " God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory in Jesus Christ" Philippians 4:19

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